Where ever possible please book online.
If you have any queries, please use the contact form here and we will get back to you
On the festival website you will find the latest details of our programme, including any necessary amendments. All payments are processed securely via PayPal and you can use your debit or credit card. You don't need an actual PayPal account to use our system. Just follow the instructions on screen. (Note: When prompted for delivery method please chooose "default £0" from the drop down box on the Paypal payment screen) Please remember that if you want to book for more than one person, you should list the name and mobile phone number of each individual separately. You will be issued with an electronic receipt from Paypal detailing what you have booked. There are no additional charges for paying electronically.
Telephone bookings
We no longer accept bookings over the phone. However, if you are unable to book online please call our mobile number 07421 312 056 and leave a message.
In person bookings
Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept bookings in person.
Please treat your Paypal confirmation as your booking, Before the festival we will send you a participant information pack and a copy of the registration form. You will need to complete a registration form for each walk - you can either print off the form and fill it in at home, or simply pick up a copy from the registration point on the day.
If you need to make any changes after you have booked, please email us via the contract from here.
Finally, remember to book your accommodation, and if you have an early start on any of your walks, don't forget to ask you accommodation provider if they can provide you with an early breakfast.