Walk 2-2: Merrick Mullwarcher Merry Go Round

This great circular walk in the Galloway Hills takes in the highest summit in the south of Scotland, Merrick, and also provides some fine ridge walking.


The route starts and end at Bruce’s stone, overlooking Loch Trool.

We will start by ascending the public path via Benyellary to the highest point in the Galloway hills, the mighty Merrick (843 metres) which will provide great views for our morning coffee break.

From the summit we will head south east down the Redstone rig to the “Old grey man of the Merrick”. This part of the walk provides superb views, as well as the opportunity to savour the solitude and wildness of the Galloway Hills.

We then skirt the northern shore of Loch Enoch, onto the summit of Mullwharchar before dropping down to the south shore of Loch Enoch.

From there we follow the undulating Buchan ridge for 3km of fine ridge walking before the descent to the Buchan Bridge and the track back to Bruce’s Stone.

Starting Location

End Location

Theme Hills Biosphere
Register from 07:30
Depart at 08:00
Travel time 30 minutes
Start from NX 414 802
End at NX 414 802
Return travel time 30 minutes
Return by 17:00
Price (Adult) £15.00
Price (Accompanied Child) £15.00
Book Online

Walk 2-2: Merrick Mullwarcher Merry Go Round