SORRY THIS WALK IS FULLY BOOKED. PLEASE CONTACT US TO BE ADDED TO THE RESERVE LIST ** This gentle walk explores the lower reaches of the Glen of Luce, taking in woodland, historical interest and the vast sands of Luce Bay
Starting in the centre of Glenluce Village the walk drops down to the burn and follows an attractive path through the woodland glen. It then climbs out of the glen and up to the old railway station. Following the trackway takes us back over the railway track and northwards to Glenluce Abbey, a Cistercian Monastery. Rounding the Abbey grounds we follow fields back down to the iconic railway viaduct. Passing under the viaduct and crossing the main A75 road we cross St Helena’s Isle, a one-time man-made trading port. We then reach the beach at the top end of Luce Bay, still sometimes used as a bombing range – but hopefully not today! On a good day there are views over the sparkling water to the Skares Rocks and the Isle of Man. A rough track below the golf course, filled in season with wild flowers, leads back to the golf course café and refreshments.